Lines Matching refs:C
392 C(FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Failed to find the given file"), \
393 C(NO_REGULAR_FILE, "Not a regular file"), \
394 C(BAD_REFCNT, "Invalid reference counter offset"), \
395 C(REFCNT_OPEN_BRACE, "Reference counter brace is not closed"), \
396 C(BAD_REFCNT_SUFFIX, "Reference counter has wrong suffix"), \
397 C(BAD_UPROBE_OFFS, "Invalid uprobe offset"), \
398 C(MAXACT_NO_KPROBE, "Maxactive is not for kprobe"), \
399 C(BAD_MAXACT, "Invalid maxactive number"), \
400 C(MAXACT_TOO_BIG, "Maxactive is too big"), \
401 C(BAD_PROBE_ADDR, "Invalid probed address or symbol"), \
402 C(BAD_RETPROBE, "Retprobe address must be an function entry"), \
403 C(BAD_ADDR_SUFFIX, "Invalid probed address suffix"), \
404 C(NO_GROUP_NAME, "Group name is not specified"), \
405 C(GROUP_TOO_LONG, "Group name is too long"), \
406 C(BAD_GROUP_NAME, "Group name must follow the same rules as C identifiers"), \
407 C(NO_EVENT_NAME, "Event name is not specified"), \
408 C(EVENT_TOO_LONG, "Event name is too long"), \
409 C(BAD_EVENT_NAME, "Event name must follow the same rules as C identifiers"), \
410 C(EVENT_EXIST, "Given group/event name is already used by another event"), \
411 C(RETVAL_ON_PROBE, "$retval is not available on probe"), \
412 C(BAD_STACK_NUM, "Invalid stack number"), \
413 C(BAD_ARG_NUM, "Invalid argument number"), \
414 C(BAD_VAR, "Invalid $-valiable specified"), \
415 C(BAD_REG_NAME, "Invalid register name"), \
416 C(BAD_MEM_ADDR, "Invalid memory address"), \
417 C(BAD_IMM, "Invalid immediate value"), \
418 C(IMMSTR_NO_CLOSE, "String is not closed with '\"'"), \
419 C(FILE_ON_KPROBE, "File offset is not available with kprobe"), \
420 C(BAD_FILE_OFFS, "Invalid file offset value"), \
421 C(SYM_ON_UPROBE, "Symbol is not available with uprobe"), \
422 C(TOO_MANY_OPS, "Dereference is too much nested"), \
423 C(DEREF_NEED_BRACE, "Dereference needs a brace"), \
424 C(BAD_DEREF_OFFS, "Invalid dereference offset"), \
425 C(DEREF_OPEN_BRACE, "Dereference brace is not closed"), \
426 C(COMM_CANT_DEREF, "$comm can not be dereferenced"), \
427 C(BAD_FETCH_ARG, "Invalid fetch argument"), \
428 C(ARRAY_NO_CLOSE, "Array is not closed"), \
429 C(BAD_ARRAY_SUFFIX, "Array has wrong suffix"), \
430 C(BAD_ARRAY_NUM, "Invalid array size"), \
431 C(ARRAY_TOO_BIG, "Array number is too big"), \
432 C(BAD_TYPE, "Unknown type is specified"), \
433 C(BAD_STRING, "String accepts only memory argument"), \
434 C(BAD_BITFIELD, "Invalid bitfield"), \
435 C(ARG_NAME_TOO_LONG, "Argument name is too long"), \
436 C(NO_ARG_NAME, "Argument name is not specified"), \
437 C(BAD_ARG_NAME, "Argument name must follow the same rules as C identifiers"), \
438 C(USED_ARG_NAME, "This argument name is already used"), \
439 C(ARG_TOO_LONG, "Argument expression is too long"), \
440 C(NO_ARG_BODY, "No argument expression"), \
441 C(BAD_INSN_BNDRY, "Probe point is not an instruction boundary"),\
442 C(FAIL_REG_PROBE, "Failed to register probe event"),\
443 C(DIFF_PROBE_TYPE, "Probe type is different from existing probe"),\
444 C(DIFF_ARG_TYPE, "Argument type or name is different from existing probe"),\
445 C(SAME_PROBE, "There is already the exact same probe event"),\
446 C(NO_EVENT_INFO, "This requires both group and event name to attach"),\
447 C(BAD_ATTACH_EVENT, "Attached event does not exist"),\
448 C(BAD_ATTACH_ARG, "Attached event does not have this field"),\
449 C(NO_EP_FILTER, "No filter rule after 'if'"),
451 #undef C
452 #define C(a, b) TP_ERR_##a macro