Lines Matching +full:0 +full:x2dc
14 #define MMIO_VGABASE 0x8000
15 #define MMIO_CR_READ (MMIO_VGABASE + 0x3D4)
16 #define MMIO_CR_WRITE (MMIO_VGABASE + 0x3D5)
17 #define MMIO_SR_READ (MMIO_VGABASE + 0x3C4)
18 #define MMIO_SR_WRITE (MMIO_VGABASE + 0x3C5)
21 #define HW_Cursor_ON 0
27 #define VIA_MMIO_BLTBASE 0x200000
28 #define VIA_MMIO_BLTSIZE 0x200000
31 #define VIA_REG_GECMD 0x000
32 #define VIA_REG_GEMODE 0x004
33 #define VIA_REG_SRCPOS 0x008
34 #define VIA_REG_DSTPOS 0x00C
36 #define VIA_REG_DIMENSION 0x010
37 #define VIA_REG_PATADDR 0x014
38 #define VIA_REG_FGCOLOR 0x018
39 #define VIA_REG_BGCOLOR 0x01C
41 #define VIA_REG_CLIPTL 0x020
43 #define VIA_REG_CLIPBR 0x024
44 #define VIA_REG_OFFSET 0x028
46 #define VIA_REG_KEYCONTROL 0x02C
47 #define VIA_REG_SRCBASE 0x030
48 #define VIA_REG_DSTBASE 0x034
50 #define VIA_REG_PITCH 0x038
51 #define VIA_REG_MONOPAT0 0x03C
52 #define VIA_REG_MONOPAT1 0x040
53 /* from 0x100 to 0x1ff */
54 #define VIA_REG_COLORPAT 0x100
57 #define VIA_REG_GECMD_M1 0x000
58 #define VIA_REG_GEMODE_M1 0x004
59 #define VIA_REG_GESTATUS_M1 0x004 /* as same as VIA_REG_GEMODE */
60 #define VIA_REG_PITCH_M1 0x008 /* pitch of src and dst */
61 #define VIA_REG_DIMENSION_M1 0x00C /* width and height */
62 #define VIA_REG_DSTPOS_M1 0x010
63 #define VIA_REG_LINE_XY_M1 0x010
64 #define VIA_REG_DSTBASE_M1 0x014
65 #define VIA_REG_SRCPOS_M1 0x018
66 #define VIA_REG_LINE_K1K2_M1 0x018
67 #define VIA_REG_SRCBASE_M1 0x01C
68 #define VIA_REG_PATADDR_M1 0x020
69 #define VIA_REG_MONOPAT0_M1 0x024
70 #define VIA_REG_MONOPAT1_M1 0x028
71 #define VIA_REG_OFFSET_M1 0x02C
72 #define VIA_REG_LINE_ERROR_M1 0x02C
73 #define VIA_REG_CLIPTL_M1 0x040 /* top and left of clipping */
74 #define VIA_REG_CLIPBR_M1 0x044 /* bottom and right of clipping */
75 #define VIA_REG_KEYCONTROL_M1 0x048 /* color key control */
76 #define VIA_REG_FGCOLOR_M1 0x04C
77 #define VIA_REG_DSTCOLORKEY_M1 0x04C /* as same as VIA_REG_FG */
78 #define VIA_REG_BGCOLOR_M1 0x050
79 #define VIA_REG_SRCCOLORKEY_M1 0x050 /* as same as VIA_REG_BG */
80 #define VIA_REG_MONOPATFGC_M1 0x058 /* Add BG color of Pattern. */
81 #define VIA_REG_MONOPATBGC_M1 0x05C /* Add FG color of Pattern. */
82 #define VIA_REG_COLORPAT_M1 0x100 /* from 0x100 to 0x1ff */
84 /* VIA_REG_PITCH(0x38): Pitch Setting */
85 #define VIA_PITCH_ENABLE 0x80000000
88 #define VIA_REG_CURSOR_MODE 0x2D0
89 #define VIA_REG_CURSOR_POS 0x2D4
90 #define VIA_REG_CURSOR_ORG 0x2D8
91 #define VIA_REG_CURSOR_BG 0x2DC
92 #define VIA_REG_CURSOR_FG 0x2E0
94 /* VIA_REG_GEMODE(0x04): GE mode */
95 #define VIA_GEM_8bpp 0x00000000
96 #define VIA_GEM_16bpp 0x00000100
97 #define VIA_GEM_32bpp 0x00000300
99 /* VIA_REG_GECMD(0x00): 2D Engine Command */
100 #define VIA_GEC_NOOP 0x00000000
101 #define VIA_GEC_BLT 0x00000001
102 #define VIA_GEC_LINE 0x00000005
105 #define VIA_GEC_ROT 0x00000008
107 #define VIA_GEC_SRC_XY 0x00000000
108 #define VIA_GEC_SRC_LINEAR 0x00000010
109 #define VIA_GEC_DST_XY 0x00000000
110 #define VIA_GEC_DST_LINRAT 0x00000020
112 #define VIA_GEC_SRC_FB 0x00000000
113 #define VIA_GEC_SRC_SYS 0x00000040
114 #define VIA_GEC_DST_FB 0x00000000
115 #define VIA_GEC_DST_SYS 0x00000080
118 #define VIA_GEC_SRC_MONO 0x00000100
120 #define VIA_GEC_PAT_MONO 0x00000200
122 #define VIA_GEC_MSRC_OPAQUE 0x00000000
124 #define VIA_GEC_MSRC_TRANS 0x00000400
126 #define VIA_GEC_PAT_FB 0x00000000
128 #define VIA_GEC_PAT_REG 0x00000800
130 #define VIA_GEC_CLIP_DISABLE 0x00000000
131 #define VIA_GEC_CLIP_ENABLE 0x00001000
133 #define VIA_GEC_FIXCOLOR_PAT 0x00002000
135 #define VIA_GEC_INCX 0x00000000
136 #define VIA_GEC_DECY 0x00004000
137 #define VIA_GEC_INCY 0x00000000
138 #define VIA_GEC_DECX 0x00008000
140 #define VIA_GEC_MPAT_OPAQUE 0x00000000
142 #define VIA_GEC_MPAT_TRANS 0x00010000
144 #define VIA_GEC_MONO_UNPACK 0x00000000
145 #define VIA_GEC_MONO_PACK 0x00020000
146 #define VIA_GEC_MONO_DWORD 0x00000000
147 #define VIA_GEC_MONO_WORD 0x00040000
148 #define VIA_GEC_MONO_BYTE 0x00080000
150 #define VIA_GEC_LASTPIXEL_ON 0x00000000
151 #define VIA_GEC_LASTPIXEL_OFF 0x00100000
152 #define VIA_GEC_X_MAJOR 0x00000000
153 #define VIA_GEC_Y_MAJOR 0x00200000
154 #define VIA_GEC_QUICK_START 0x00800000
157 #define VIA_REG_STATUS 0x400
158 #define VIA_REG_CR_TRANSET 0x41C
159 #define VIA_REG_CR_TRANSPACE 0x420
160 #define VIA_REG_TRANSET 0x43C
161 #define VIA_REG_TRANSPACE 0x440
163 /* VIA_REG_STATUS(0x400): Engine Status */
166 #define VIA_CMD_RGTR_BUSY 0x00000080
168 #define VIA_2D_ENG_BUSY 0x00000002
170 #define VIA_3D_ENG_BUSY 0x00000001
172 #define VIA_VR_QUEUE_BUSY 0x00020000
174 /* VIA_REG_STATUS(0x400): Engine Status for H5 */
175 #define VIA_CMD_RGTR_BUSY_H5 0x00000010 /* Command Regulator is busy */
176 #define VIA_2D_ENG_BUSY_H5 0x00000002 /* 2D Engine is busy */
177 #define VIA_3D_ENG_BUSY_H5 0x00001FE1 /* 3D Engine is busy */
178 #define VIA_VR_QUEUE_BUSY_H5 0x00000004 /* Virtual Queue is busy */
180 /* VIA_REG_STATUS(0x400): Engine Status for VT3353/3409 */
181 #define VIA_CMD_RGTR_BUSY_M1 0x00000010 /* Command Regulator is busy */
182 #define VIA_2D_ENG_BUSY_M1 0x00000002 /* 2D Engine is busy */
183 #define VIA_3D_ENG_BUSY_M1 0x00001FE1 /* 3D Engine is busy */
184 #define VIA_VR_QUEUE_BUSY_M1 0x00000004 /* Virtual Queue is busy */
186 #define MAXLOOP 0xFFFFFF