Lines Matching defs:fman_dma_regs

455 struct fman_dma_regs {  struct
456 u32 fmdmsr; /* FM DMA status register 0x00 */
457 u32 fmdmmr; /* FM DMA mode register 0x04 */
458 u32 fmdmtr; /* FM DMA bus threshold register 0x08 */
459 u32 fmdmhy; /* FM DMA bus hysteresis register 0x0c */
460 u32 fmdmsetr; /* FM DMA SOS emergency Threshold Register 0x10 */
461 u32 fmdmtah; /* FM DMA transfer bus address high reg 0x14 */
462 u32 fmdmtal; /* FM DMA transfer bus address low reg 0x18 */
463 u32 fmdmtcid; /* FM DMA transfer bus communication ID reg 0x1c */
464 u32 fmdmra; /* FM DMA bus internal ram address register 0x20 */
465 u32 fmdmrd; /* FM DMA bus internal ram data register 0x24 */
466 u32 fmdmwcr; /* FM DMA CAM watchdog counter value 0x28 */
467 u32 fmdmebcr; /* FM DMA CAM base in MURAM register 0x2c */
468 u32 fmdmccqdr; /* FM DMA CAM and CMD Queue Debug reg 0x30 */
469 u32 fmdmccqvr1; /* FM DMA CAM and CMD Queue Value reg #1 0x34 */
470 u32 fmdmccqvr2; /* FM DMA CAM and CMD Queue Value reg #2 0x38 */
471 u32 fmdmcqvr3; /* FM DMA CMD Queue Value register #3 0x3c */
472 u32 fmdmcqvr4; /* FM DMA CMD Queue Value register #4 0x40 */
473 u32 fmdmcqvr5; /* FM DMA CMD Queue Value register #5 0x44 */
474 u32 fmdmsefrc; /* FM DMA Semaphore Entry Full Reject Cntr 0x48 */
475 u32 fmdmsqfrc; /* FM DMA Semaphore Queue Full Reject Cntr 0x4c */
476 u32 fmdmssrc; /* FM DMA Semaphore SYNC Reject Counter 0x50 */
477 u32 fmdmdcr; /* FM DMA Debug Counter 0x54 */
478 u32 fmdmemsr; /* FM DMA Emergency Smoother Register 0x58 */
479 u32 res005c; /* 0x5c */
480 u32 fmdmplr[FMAN_LIODN_TBL / 2]; /* DMA LIODN regs 0x60-0xdf */
481 u32 res00e0[0x400 - 56];