Lines Matching +full:rx +full:- +full:enable

1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
21 // Numbers 0-7 are passed to the Edgeport directly. Numbers 8 and
22 // above are used internally to indicate that we must enable access
27 // the EdgePort firmware -- that includes THR, RHR, IER, FCR.
32 #define IER 1 // ! Interrupt Enable Register
44 #define XON1 12 // Bank2[ 4 ] Xon-1
45 #define XON2 13 // Bank2[ 5 ] Xon-2
46 #define XOFF1 14 // Bank2[ 6 ] Xoff-1
47 #define XOFF2 15 // Bank2[ 7 ] Xoff-2
57 #define IER_RX 0x01 // Enable receive interrupt
58 #define IER_TX 0x02 // Enable transmit interrupt
59 #define IER_RXS 0x04 // Enable receive status interrupt
60 #define IER_MDM 0x08 // Enable modem status interrupt
61 #define IER_SLEEP 0x10 // Enable sleep mode
62 #define IER_XOFF 0x20 // Enable s/w flow control (XOFF) interrupt
63 #define IER_RTS 0x40 // Enable RTS interrupt
64 #define IER_CTS 0x80 // Enable CTS interrupt
65 #define IER_ENABLE_ALL 0xFF // Enable all ints
68 #define FCR_FIFO_EN 0x01 // Enable FIFOs
69 #define FCR_RXCLR 0x02 // Reset Rx FIFO
71 #define FCR_DMA_BLK 0x08 // Enable DMA block mode
77 #define FCR_RX_LEVEL_MASK 0xC0 // Mask for Rx FIFO Level
78 #define FCR_RX_LEVEL_8 0x00 // Rx FIFO Level = 8 bytes
79 #define FCR_RX_LEVEL_16 0x40 // Rx FIFO Level = 16 bytes
80 #define FCR_RX_LEVEL_56 0x80 // Rx FIFO Level = 56 bytes
81 #define FCR_RX_LEVEL_60 0xC0 // Rx FIFO Level = 60 bytes
87 #define ISR_INT_RXRDY 0x04 // Rx ready int pending
89 #define ISR_INT_RX_TIMEOUT 0x0C // Rx timeout int pending
90 #define ISR_INT_RX_XOFF 0x10 // Rx Xoff int pending
104 #define LCR_STOP_2 0x04 // 2 stop bits (if 6-8 bits/char)
115 #define LCR_DL_ENABLE 0x80 // Enable access to divisor latch
118 // and also the '654-only registers
125 #define MCR_MASTER_IE 0x08 // Enable interrupt outputs
127 #define MCR_XON_ANY 0x20 // Enable any char to exit XOFF mode
128 #define MCR_IR_ENABLE 0x40 // Enable IrDA functions
132 #define LSR_RX_AVAIL 0x01 // Rx data available
133 #define LSR_OVER_ERR 0x02 // Rx overrun
134 #define LSR_PAR_ERR 0x04 // Rx parity error
135 #define LSR_FRM_ERR 0x08 // Rx framing error
136 #define LSR_BREAK 0x10 // Rx break condition detected
139 #define LSR_FIFO_ERR 0x80 // Rx Fifo contains at least 1 erred char
144 #define EDGEPORT_MSR_DELTA_RI 0x04 // RI changed from 0 -> 1
153 // Tx Rx
154 //-------------------------------
172 #define EFR_TX_FC_MASK 0x0c // Mask to isolate Rx flow control
178 #define EFR_RX_FC_MASK 0x03 // Mask to isolate Rx flow control
179 #define EFR_RX_FC_NONE 0x00 // No Rx Xon/Xoff flow control
186 #define EFR_ENABLE_16654 0x10 // Enable 16C654 features
187 #define EFR_SPEC_DETECT 0x20 // Enable special character detect interrupt
188 #define EFR_AUTO_RTS 0x40 // Use RTS for Rx flow control