Lines Matching full:agent
6 …QTT Agent is a thread-safe library to serialize calls to coreMQTT, to be executed by a single thre…
9 …tware. The coreMQTT Agent library is a coreMQTT extension that provides that higher level function…
12 @brief Memory requirements of the MQTT Agent library, including the coreMQTT library.
19 @brief Architecture of the MQTT Agent library.
23 The MQTT Agent APIs are designed to be used by two types of tasks:
24 …agent task that manages an MQTT connection and calls coreMQTT APIs. The APIs used by this task are…
29 …i>not</i> an MQTT agent task. The APIs used by application tasks are thread safe, and send command…
39 …TT, the MQTT Agent library relies on interfaces to dissociate itself from platform specific functi…
41 The MQTT Agent library expects the application to provide implementations for the following interfa…
50 <td>Receiving commands sent to the agent task.</td>
54 <td>Sending commands to the agent task from the application</td>
58 <td>Allocating storage for a command to be sent to the agent task.</td>
103 @brief Configurations of the MQTT Agent.
107 …qtt_config.h**) or by using a compiler option such as -D in gcc. The MQTT Agent uses the same conf…
122 @brief Functions of the MQTT Agent library<br><br>
125 These functions are not thread safe and are designed to be used only by an MQTT agent task -
134 …fe and designed to be used by any application task (one that is *not* the MQTT agent task).<br><br>
191 @brief Messaging interface used by the MQTT Agent.<br><br>
193 … message interface is a set of APIs to send MQTT Agent commands from application tasks to the MQTT…
305 @brief Enumerated types of the MQTT Agent
310 @brief Callback function pointer types of the MQTT Agent
315 @brief Structures passed as parameters to [MQTT Agent functions](@ref mqtt_agent_functions)