cmake_minimum_required ( VERSION 3.13.0 ) project ( "MQTTAgent unit test" VERSION 1.0.0 LANGUAGES C ) # Allow the project to be organized into folders. set_property( GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON ) # Use C90 if not specified. if( NOT DEFINED CMAKE_C_STANDARD ) set( CMAKE_C_STANDARD 90 ) endif() if( NOT DEFINED CMAKE_C_STANDARD_REQUIRED ) set( CMAKE_C_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON ) endif() # Do not allow in-source build. if( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} STREQUAL ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ) message( FATAL_ERROR "In-source build is not allowed. Please build in a separate directory, such as ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/build." ) endif() # Set global path variables. get_filename_component(__MODULE_ROOT_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/.." ABSOLUTE) set(MODULE_ROOT_DIR ${__MODULE_ROOT_DIR} CACHE INTERNAL "coreMQTT-Agent repository root.") # Configure options to always show in CMake GUI. option( BUILD_CLONE_SUBMODULES "Set this to ON to automatically clone any required Git submodules. When OFF, submodules must be manually cloned." OFF ) # Set output directories. set( CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin ) set( CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib ) set( CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib ) # ===================================== Coverity Analysis Configuration ================================================= # Include filepaths for source and include. include( ${MODULE_ROOT_DIR}/source/dependency/coreMQTT/mqttFilePaths.cmake ) include( ${MODULE_ROOT_DIR}/mqttAgentFilePaths.cmake ) # Target for Coverity analysis that builds the library. add_library( coverity_analysis ${MQTT_AGENT_SOURCES} ${MQTT_SOURCES} ${MQTT_SERIALIZER_SOURCES} ) # Build MQTT library target without custom config dependency. target_compile_definitions( coverity_analysis PUBLIC MQTT_DO_NOT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG=1 MQTT_AGENT_DO_NOT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG=1 ) # MQTT AGENT public include path. target_include_directories( coverity_analysis PUBLIC ${MQTT_AGENT_INCLUDE_PUBLIC_DIRS} ${MQTT_INCLUDE_PUBLIC_DIRS} ) # ==================================== Test Configuration ======================================== # Define a CMock resource path. set( CMOCK_DIR ${MODULE_ROOT_DIR}/test/unit-test/CMock CACHE INTERNAL "CMock library source directory." ) # Include CMock build configuration. include( unit-test/cmock_build.cmake ) # Check if the CMock source directory exists, and if not present, clone the submodule # if BUILD_CLONE_SUBMODULES configuration is enabled. if( NOT EXISTS ${CMOCK_DIR}/src ) # Attempt to clone CMock. if( ${BUILD_CLONE_SUBMODULES} ) clone_cmock() else() message( FATAL_ERROR "The required submodule CMock does not exist. Either clone it manually, or set BUILD_CLONE_SUBMODULES to 1 to automatically clone it during build." ) endif() endif() # Add unit test and coverage configuration. # Use CTest utility for managing test runs. This has to be added BEFORE # defining test targets with add_test() enable_testing() # Add build targets for CMock and Unit, required for unit testing. add_cmock_targets() # Add function to enable CMock based tests and coverage. include( ${MODULE_ROOT_DIR}/source/dependency/coreMQTT/tools/cmock/create_test.cmake ) # Include build configuration for unit tests. add_subdirectory( unit-test ) # ==================================== Coverage Analysis configuration ======================================== # Add a target for running coverage on tests. add_custom_target( coverage COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMOCK_DIR=${CMOCK_DIR} -P ${MODULE_ROOT_DIR}/tools/cmock/coverage.cmake DEPENDS cmock unity mqtt_agent_utest mqtt_agent_command_functions_utest WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} )